Anna KaRNNa

In this notebook, I'll build a character-wise RNN trained on Anna Karenina, one of my all-time favorite books. It'll be able to generate new text based on the text from the book.

This network is based off of Andrej Karpathy's post on RNNs and implementation in Torch. Also, some information here at r2rt and from Sherjil Ozair on GitHub. Below is the general architecture of the character-wise RNN.

In [1]:
import time
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

First we'll load the text file and convert it into integers for our network to use. Here I'm creating a couple dictionaries to convert the characters to and from integers. Encoding the characters as integers makes it easier to use as input in the network.

In [22]:
with open('anna.txt', 'r') as f:
vocab = set(text)
vocab_to_int = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(vocab)}
int_to_vocab = dict(enumerate(vocab))
chars = np.array([vocab_to_int[c] for c in text], dtype=np.int32)

Let's check out the first 100 characters, make sure everything is peachy. According to the American Book Review, this is the 6th best first line of a book ever.

In [23]:

'Chapter 1\n\n\nHappy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own\nway.\n\nEverythin'

And we can see the characters encoded as integers.

In [24]:

array([71, 26, 34,  1, 19, 22, 72, 13, 29, 40, 40, 40, 51, 34,  1,  1, 58,
       13, 74, 34, 70,  7, 82,  7, 22, 52, 13, 34, 72, 22, 13, 34, 82, 82,
       13, 34, 82,  7, 62, 22, 78, 13, 22, 44, 22, 72, 58, 13, 12, 64, 26,
       34,  1,  1, 58, 13, 74, 34, 70,  7, 82, 58, 13,  7, 52, 13, 12, 64,
       26, 34,  1,  1, 58, 13,  7, 64, 13,  7, 19, 52, 13, 35, 65, 64, 40,
       65, 34, 58, 73, 40, 40, 77, 44, 22, 72, 58, 19, 26,  7, 64], dtype=int32)

Making training and validation batches

Now I need to split up the data into batches, and into training and validation sets. I should be making a test set here, but I'm not going to worry about that. My test will be if the network can generate new text.

Here I'll make both input and target arrays. The targets are the same as the inputs, except shifted one character over. I'll also drop the last bit of data so that I'll only have completely full batches.

The idea here is to make a 2D matrix where the number of rows is equal to the batch size. Each row will be one long concatenated string from the character data. We'll split this data into a training set and validation set using the split_frac keyword. This will keep 90% of the batches in the training set, the other 10% in the validation set.

In [30]:
def split_data(chars, batch_size, num_steps, split_frac=0.9):
    Split character data into training and validation sets, inputs and targets for each set.
    chars: character array
    batch_size: Size of examples in each of batch
    num_steps: Number of sequence steps to keep in the input and pass to the network
    split_frac: Fraction of batches to keep in the training set
    Returns train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y
    slice_size = batch_size * num_steps
    n_batches = int(len(chars) / slice_size)
    # Drop the last few characters to make only full batches
    x = chars[: n_batches*slice_size]
    y = chars[1: n_batches*slice_size + 1]
    # Split the data into batch_size slices, then stack them into a 2D matrix 
    x = np.stack(np.split(x, batch_size))
    y = np.stack(np.split(y, batch_size))
    # Now x and y are arrays with dimensions batch_size x n_batches*num_steps
    # Split into training and validation sets, keep the virst split_frac batches for training
    split_idx = int(n_batches*split_frac)
    train_x, train_y= x[:, :split_idx*num_steps], y[:, :split_idx*num_steps]
    val_x, val_y = x[:, split_idx*num_steps:], y[:, split_idx*num_steps:]
    return train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y

Now I'll make my data sets and we can check out what's going on here. Here I'm going to use a batch size of 10 and 50 sequence steps.

In [58]:
train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y = split_data(chars, 10, 50)

In [59]:

(10, 178650)

Looking at the size of this array, we see that we have rows equal to the batch size. When we want to get a batch out of here, we can grab a subset of this array that contains all the rows but has a width equal to the number of steps in the sequence. The first batch looks like this:

In [60]:

array([[71, 26, 34,  1, 19, 22, 72, 13, 29, 40],
       [13, 34, 70, 13, 64, 35, 19, 13, 28, 35],
       [44,  7, 64, 73, 40, 40,  0, 32, 22, 52],
       [64, 13, 80, 12, 72,  7, 64, 28, 13, 26],
       [13,  7, 19, 13,  7, 52, 25, 13, 52,  7],
       [13, 14, 19, 13, 65, 34, 52, 40, 35, 64],
       [26, 22, 64, 13, 11, 35, 70, 22, 13, 74],
       [78, 13, 81, 12, 19, 13, 64, 35, 65, 13],
       [19, 13,  7, 52, 64, 20, 19, 73, 13, 59],
       [13, 52, 34,  7, 80, 13, 19, 35, 13, 26]], dtype=int32)

I'll write another function to grab batches out of the arrays made by split_data. Here each batch will be a sliding window on these arrays with size batch_size X num_steps. For example, if we want our network to train on a sequence of 100 characters, num_steps = 100. For the next batch, we'll shift this window the next sequence of num_steps characters. In this way we can feed batches to the network and the cell states will continue through on each batch.

In [61]:
def get_batch(arrs, num_steps):
    batch_size, slice_size = arrs[0].shape
    n_batches = int(slice_size/num_steps)
    for b in range(n_batches):
        yield [x[:, b*num_steps: (b+1)*num_steps] for x in arrs]

get_batch([train_x, train_y], 100)

<generator object get_batch at 0x12c8b6fc0>

Building the model

Below is a function where I build the graph for the network.

In [62]:
def build_rnn(num_classes, batch_size=50, num_steps=50, lstm_size=128, num_layers=2,
              learning_rate=0.001, grad_clip=5, sampling=False):
    # When we're using this network for sampling later, we'll be passing in
    # one character at a time, so providing an option for that
    if sampling == True:
        batch_size, num_steps = 1, 1

    # Declare placeholders we'll feed into the graph
    inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps], name='inputs')
    targets = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [batch_size, num_steps], name='targets')
    # Keep probability placeholder for drop out layers
    keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='keep_prob')
    # One-hot encoding the input and target characters
    x_one_hot = tf.one_hot(inputs, num_classes)
    y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(targets, num_classes)

    ### Build the RNN layers
    # Use a basic LSTM cell
    lstm = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell(lstm_size)
    # Add dropout to the cell
    drop = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm, output_keep_prob=keep_prob)
    # Stack up multiple LSTM layers, for deep learning
    cell = tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell([drop] * num_layers)
    initial_state = cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32)

    ### Run the data through the RNN layers
    # This makes a list where each element is on step in the sequence
    rnn_inputs = [tf.squeeze(i, squeeze_dims=[1]) for i in tf.split(x_one_hot, num_steps, 1)]
    # Run each sequence step through the RNN and collect the outputs
    outputs, state = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(cell, rnn_inputs, initial_state=initial_state)
    final_state = state
    # Reshape output so it's a bunch of rows, one output row for each step for each batch
    seq_output = tf.concat(outputs, axis=1)
    output = tf.reshape(seq_output, [-1, lstm_size])
    # Now connect the RNN putputs to a softmax layer
    with tf.variable_scope('softmax'):
        softmax_w = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal((lstm_size, num_classes), stddev=0.1))
        softmax_b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(num_classes))
    # Since output is a bunch of rows of RNN cell outputs, logits will be a bunch
    # of rows of logit outputs, one for each step and batch
    logits = tf.matmul(output, softmax_w) + softmax_b
    # Use softmax to get the probabilities for predicted characters
    preds = tf.nn.softmax(logits, name='predictions')
    # Reshape the targets to match the logits
    y_reshaped = tf.reshape(y_one_hot, [-1, num_classes])
    loss = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=y_reshaped)
    cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)

    # Optimizer for training, using gradient clipping to control exploding gradients
    tvars = tf.trainable_variables()
    grads, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(tf.gradients(cost, tvars), grad_clip)
    train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate)
    optimizer = train_op.apply_gradients(zip(grads, tvars))
    # Export the nodes
    # NOTE: I'm using a namedtuple here because I think they are cool
    export_nodes = ['inputs', 'targets', 'initial_state', 'final_state',
                    'keep_prob', 'cost', 'preds', 'optimizer']
    Graph = namedtuple('Graph', export_nodes)
    local_dict = locals()
    graph = Graph(*[local_dict[each] for each in export_nodes])
    return graph


[<tf.Tensor 'Squeeze:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_1:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_2:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_3:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_4:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_5:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_6:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_7:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_8:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_9:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_10:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_11:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_12:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_13:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_14:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_15:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_16:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_17:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_18:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_19:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_20:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_21:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_22:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_23:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_24:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_25:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_26:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_27:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_28:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_29:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_30:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_31:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_32:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_33:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_34:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_35:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_36:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_37:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_38:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_39:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_40:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_41:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_42:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_43:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_44:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_45:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_46:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_47:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_48:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_49:0' shape=(50, 83) dtype=float32>]
Graph(inputs=<tf.Tensor 'inputs:0' shape=(50, 50) dtype=int32>, targets=<tf.Tensor 'targets:0' shape=(50, 50) dtype=int32>, initial_state=(LSTMStateTuple(c=<tf.Tensor 'zeros:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>, h=<tf.Tensor 'zeros_1:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>), LSTMStateTuple(c=<tf.Tensor 'zeros_2:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>, h=<tf.Tensor 'zeros_3:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>)), final_state=(LSTMStateTuple(c=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell_49/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell/add_1:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>, h=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell_49/cell_0/basic_lstm_cell/mul_2:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>), LSTMStateTuple(c=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell_49/cell_1/basic_lstm_cell/add_1:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>, h=<tf.Tensor 'rnn/multi_rnn_cell_49/cell_1/basic_lstm_cell/mul_2:0' shape=(50, 128) dtype=float32>)), keep_prob=<tf.Tensor 'keep_prob:0' shape=<unknown> dtype=float32>, cost=<tf.Tensor 'Mean:0' shape=() dtype=float32>, preds=<tf.Tensor 'predictions:0' shape=(2500, 83) dtype=float32>, optimizer=<tf.Operation 'Adam' type=NoOp>)


Here I'm defining the hyperparameters for the network.

  • batch_size - Number of sequences running through the network in one pass.
  • num_steps - Number of characters in the sequence the network is trained on. Larger is better typically, the network will learn more long range dependencies. But it takes longer to train. 100 is typically a good number here.
  • lstm_size - The number of units in the hidden layers.
  • num_layers - Number of hidden LSTM layers to use
  • learning_rate - Learning rate for training
  • keep_prob - The dropout keep probability when training. If you're network is overfitting, try decreasing this.

Here's some good advice from Andrej Karpathy on training the network. I'm going to write it in here for your benefit, but also link to where it originally came from.

Tips and Tricks

Monitoring Validation Loss vs. Training Loss

If you're somewhat new to Machine Learning or Neural Networks it can take a bit of expertise to get good models. The most important quantity to keep track of is the difference between your training loss (printed during training) and the validation loss (printed once in a while when the RNN is run on the validation data (by default every 1000 iterations)). In particular:

  • If your training loss is much lower than validation loss then this means the network might be overfitting. Solutions to this are to decrease your network size, or to increase dropout. For example you could try dropout of 0.5 and so on.
  • If your training/validation loss are about equal then your model is underfitting. Increase the size of your model (either number of layers or the raw number of neurons per layer)

Approximate number of parameters

The two most important parameters that control the model are lstm_size and num_layers. I would advise that you always use num_layers of either 2/3. The lstm_size can be adjusted based on how much data you have. The two important quantities to keep track of here are:

  • The number of parameters in your model. This is printed when you start training.
  • The size of your dataset. 1MB file is approximately 1 million characters.

These two should be about the same order of magnitude. It's a little tricky to tell. Here are some examples:

  • I have a 100MB dataset and I'm using the default parameter settings (which currently print 150K parameters). My data size is significantly larger (100 mil >> 0.15 mil), so I expect to heavily underfit. I am thinking I can comfortably afford to make lstm_size larger.
  • I have a 10MB dataset and running a 10 million parameter model. I'm slightly nervous and I'm carefully monitoring my validation loss. If it's larger than my training loss then I may want to try to increase dropout a bit and see if that heps the validation loss.

Best models strategy

The winning strategy to obtaining very good models (if you have the compute time) is to always err on making the network larger (as large as you're willing to wait for it to compute) and then try different dropout values (between 0,1). Whatever model has the best validation performance (the loss, written in the checkpoint filename, low is good) is the one you should use in the end.

It is very common in deep learning to run many different models with many different hyperparameter settings, and in the end take whatever checkpoint gave the best validation performance.

By the way, the size of your training and validation splits are also parameters. Make sure you have a decent amount of data in your validation set or otherwise the validation performance will be noisy and not very informative.

In [64]:
batch_size = 100
num_steps = 100 
lstm_size = 512
num_layers = 2
learning_rate = 0.001
keep_prob = 0.5


Time for training which is pretty straightforward. Here I pass in some data, and get an LSTM state back. Then I pass that state back in to the network so the next batch can continue the state from the previous batch. And every so often (set by save_every_n) I calculate the validation loss and save a checkpoint.

Here I'm saving checkpoints with the format

i{iteration number}_l{# hidden layer units}_v{validation loss}.ckpt

In [65]:
epochs = 20
# Save every N iterations
save_every_n = 200
train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y = split_data(chars, batch_size, num_steps)

model = build_rnn(len(vocab), 

saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=100)
with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Use the line below to load a checkpoint and resume training
    #saver.restore(sess, 'checkpoints/______.ckpt')
    n_batches = int(train_x.shape[1]/num_steps)
    iterations = n_batches * epochs
    for e in range(epochs):
        # Train network
        new_state =
        loss = 0
        for b, (x, y) in enumerate(get_batch([train_x, train_y], num_steps), 1):
            iteration = e*n_batches + b
            start = time.time()
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.targets: y,
                    model.keep_prob: keep_prob,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            batch_loss, new_state, _ =[model.cost, model.final_state, model.optimizer], 
            loss += batch_loss
            end = time.time()
            print('Epoch {}/{} '.format(e+1, epochs),
                  'Iteration {}/{}'.format(iteration, iterations),
                  'Training loss: {:.4f}'.format(loss/b),
                  '{:.4f} sec/batch'.format((end-start)))
            if (iteration%save_every_n == 0) or (iteration == iterations):
                # Check performance, notice dropout has been set to 1
                val_loss = []
                new_state =
                for x, y in get_batch([val_x, val_y], num_steps):
                    feed = {model.inputs: x,
                            model.targets: y,
                            model.keep_prob: 1.,
                            model.initial_state: new_state}
                    batch_loss, new_state =[model.cost, model.final_state], feed_dict=feed)

                print('Validation loss:', np.mean(val_loss),
                      'Saving checkpoint!')
      , "checkpoints/i{}_l{}_v{:.3f}.ckpt".format(iteration, lstm_size, np.mean(val_loss)))

[<tf.Tensor 'Squeeze:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_1:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_2:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_3:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_4:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_5:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_6:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_7:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_8:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_9:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_10:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_11:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_12:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_13:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_14:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_15:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_16:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_17:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_18:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_19:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_20:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_21:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_22:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_23:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_24:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_25:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_26:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_27:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_28:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_29:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_30:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_31:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_32:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_33:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_34:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_35:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_36:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_37:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_38:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_39:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_40:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_41:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_42:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_43:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_44:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_45:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_46:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_47:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_48:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_49:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_50:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_51:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_52:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_53:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_54:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_55:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_56:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_57:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_58:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_59:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_60:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_61:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_62:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_63:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_64:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_65:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_66:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_67:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_68:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_69:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_70:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_71:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_72:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_73:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_74:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_75:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_76:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_77:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_78:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_79:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_80:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_81:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_82:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_83:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_84:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_85:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_86:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_87:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_88:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_89:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_90:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_91:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_92:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_93:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_94:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_95:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_96:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_97:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_98:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>, <tf.Tensor 'Squeeze_99:0' shape=(100, 83) dtype=float32>]
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 1/3560 Training loss: 4.4203 4.0944 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 2/3560 Training loss: 4.3773 3.1475 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 3/3560 Training loss: 4.2117 3.1793 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 4/3560 Training loss: 4.5463 3.3459 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 5/3560 Training loss: 4.5113 3.3899 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 6/3560 Training loss: 4.4018 3.3875 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 7/3560 Training loss: 4.3085 3.4705 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 8/3560 Training loss: 4.2202 3.4331 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 9/3560 Training loss: 4.1417 3.4952 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 10/3560 Training loss: 4.0747 3.4367 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 11/3560 Training loss: 4.0132 3.5550 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 12/3560 Training loss: 3.9613 3.4849 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 13/3560 Training loss: 3.9141 3.4289 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 14/3560 Training loss: 3.8756 3.5894 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 15/3560 Training loss: 3.8415 3.4762 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 16/3560 Training loss: 3.8100 3.4985 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 17/3560 Training loss: 3.7793 3.6177 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 18/3560 Training loss: 3.7534 3.4521 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 19/3560 Training loss: 3.7293 3.6464 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 20/3560 Training loss: 3.7057 3.5313 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 21/3560 Training loss: 3.6846 3.4526 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 22/3560 Training loss: 3.6654 3.4218 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 23/3560 Training loss: 3.6469 3.4166 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 24/3560 Training loss: 3.6299 3.4201 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 25/3560 Training loss: 3.6138 3.4484 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 26/3560 Training loss: 3.5994 3.2432 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 27/3560 Training loss: 3.5862 3.3115 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 28/3560 Training loss: 3.5727 3.4715 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 29/3560 Training loss: 3.5605 3.2776 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 30/3560 Training loss: 3.5490 3.2820 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 31/3560 Training loss: 3.5388 3.2877 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 32/3560 Training loss: 3.5281 3.2755 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 33/3560 Training loss: 3.5183 3.3306 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 34/3560 Training loss: 3.5092 3.2708 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 35/3560 Training loss: 3.5003 3.2621 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 36/3560 Training loss: 3.4920 3.3265 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 37/3560 Training loss: 3.4831 3.4007 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 38/3560 Training loss: 3.4750 3.2967 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 39/3560 Training loss: 3.4671 3.2557 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 40/3560 Training loss: 3.4596 3.2805 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 41/3560 Training loss: 3.4523 3.2881 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 42/3560 Training loss: 3.4455 3.3421 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 43/3560 Training loss: 3.4389 3.3302 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 44/3560 Training loss: 3.4326 3.2825 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 45/3560 Training loss: 3.4264 3.2785 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 46/3560 Training loss: 3.4208 3.3821 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 47/3560 Training loss: 3.4155 3.3385 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 48/3560 Training loss: 3.4104 3.2458 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 49/3560 Training loss: 3.4055 3.4211 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 50/3560 Training loss: 3.4007 3.3017 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 51/3560 Training loss: 3.3961 3.2250 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 52/3560 Training loss: 3.3914 3.3369 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 53/3560 Training loss: 3.3872 3.2538 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 54/3560 Training loss: 3.3826 3.2624 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 55/3560 Training loss: 3.3785 3.3563 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 56/3560 Training loss: 3.3741 3.3434 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 57/3560 Training loss: 3.3701 3.2681 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 58/3560 Training loss: 3.3663 3.3286 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 59/3560 Training loss: 3.3624 3.3281 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 60/3560 Training loss: 3.3589 3.2530 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 61/3560 Training loss: 3.3555 3.3959 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 62/3560 Training loss: 3.3525 3.3200 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 63/3560 Training loss: 3.3494 3.2664 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 64/3560 Training loss: 3.3458 3.3319 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 65/3560 Training loss: 3.3425 3.6591 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 66/3560 Training loss: 3.3397 3.2412 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 67/3560 Training loss: 3.3367 3.3525 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 68/3560 Training loss: 3.3333 3.2430 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 69/3560 Training loss: 3.3303 3.2619 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 70/3560 Training loss: 3.3275 3.2998 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 71/3560 Training loss: 3.3247 3.3164 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 72/3560 Training loss: 3.3222 3.2771 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 73/3560 Training loss: 3.3196 3.2040 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 74/3560 Training loss: 3.3170 3.4268 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 75/3560 Training loss: 3.3146 3.2925 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 76/3560 Training loss: 3.3123 3.3385 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 77/3560 Training loss: 3.3099 3.3537 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 78/3560 Training loss: 3.3076 3.2754 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 79/3560 Training loss: 3.3052 3.3905 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 80/3560 Training loss: 3.3027 3.3057 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 81/3560 Training loss: 3.3004 3.2055 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 82/3560 Training loss: 3.2982 3.3186 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 83/3560 Training loss: 3.2962 3.4378 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 84/3560 Training loss: 3.2941 3.2732 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 85/3560 Training loss: 3.2918 3.2462 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 86/3560 Training loss: 3.2895 3.3893 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 87/3560 Training loss: 3.2873 3.3168 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 88/3560 Training loss: 3.2851 3.3007 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 89/3560 Training loss: 3.2831 3.2732 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 90/3560 Training loss: 3.2812 3.2630 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 91/3560 Training loss: 3.2793 3.2838 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 92/3560 Training loss: 3.2772 3.3881 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 93/3560 Training loss: 3.2752 3.3141 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 94/3560 Training loss: 3.2732 3.2635 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 95/3560 Training loss: 3.2714 3.2736 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 96/3560 Training loss: 3.2696 3.2719 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 97/3560 Training loss: 3.2678 3.3724 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 98/3560 Training loss: 3.2659 3.3024 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 99/3560 Training loss: 3.2641 3.2506 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 100/3560 Training loss: 3.2622 3.3800 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 101/3560 Training loss: 3.2605 3.5121 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 102/3560 Training loss: 3.2587 3.2929 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 103/3560 Training loss: 3.2570 3.3131 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 104/3560 Training loss: 3.2552 3.2782 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 105/3560 Training loss: 3.2534 3.2842 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 106/3560 Training loss: 3.2517 3.2169 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 107/3560 Training loss: 3.2497 3.2946 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 108/3560 Training loss: 3.2479 3.2905 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 109/3560 Training loss: 3.2462 3.2638 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 110/3560 Training loss: 3.2442 3.4166 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 111/3560 Training loss: 3.2424 3.3242 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 112/3560 Training loss: 3.2407 3.3148 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 113/3560 Training loss: 3.2388 3.2992 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 114/3560 Training loss: 3.2369 3.3251 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 115/3560 Training loss: 3.2350 3.3106 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 116/3560 Training loss: 3.2330 3.2944 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 117/3560 Training loss: 3.2311 3.2768 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 118/3560 Training loss: 3.2293 3.2819 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 119/3560 Training loss: 3.2276 3.4295 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 120/3560 Training loss: 3.2265 3.2670 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 121/3560 Training loss: 3.2285 3.3240 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 122/3560 Training loss: 3.2299 3.4751 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 123/3560 Training loss: 3.2305 3.3124 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 124/3560 Training loss: 3.2303 3.2723 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 125/3560 Training loss: 3.2286 3.3146 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 126/3560 Training loss: 3.2268 3.3244 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 127/3560 Training loss: 3.2252 3.3654 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 128/3560 Training loss: 3.2236 3.3743 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 129/3560 Training loss: 3.2219 3.3421 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 130/3560 Training loss: 3.2203 3.2794 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 131/3560 Training loss: 3.2186 3.2852 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 132/3560 Training loss: 3.2168 3.2654 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 133/3560 Training loss: 3.2151 3.3362 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 134/3560 Training loss: 3.2132 3.3091 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 135/3560 Training loss: 3.2112 3.3010 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 136/3560 Training loss: 3.2092 3.2281 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 137/3560 Training loss: 3.2073 3.3207 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 138/3560 Training loss: 3.2053 3.3745 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 139/3560 Training loss: 3.2034 3.2559 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 140/3560 Training loss: 3.2014 3.3144 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 141/3560 Training loss: 3.1995 3.2672 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 142/3560 Training loss: 3.1974 3.2780 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 143/3560 Training loss: 3.1952 3.2748 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 144/3560 Training loss: 3.1931 3.2845 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 145/3560 Training loss: 3.1911 3.2591 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 146/3560 Training loss: 3.1890 3.3223 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 147/3560 Training loss: 3.1869 3.4200 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 148/3560 Training loss: 3.1849 3.2926 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 149/3560 Training loss: 3.1826 3.2940 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 150/3560 Training loss: 3.1804 3.2900 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 151/3560 Training loss: 3.1784 3.3903 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 152/3560 Training loss: 3.1764 3.3016 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 153/3560 Training loss: 3.1742 3.3006 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 154/3560 Training loss: 3.1720 3.2287 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 155/3560 Training loss: 3.1696 3.5967 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 156/3560 Training loss: 3.1673 3.4624 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 157/3560 Training loss: 3.1648 3.2147 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 158/3560 Training loss: 3.1624 3.3744 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 159/3560 Training loss: 3.1599 3.3026 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 160/3560 Training loss: 3.1575 3.2460 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 161/3560 Training loss: 3.1551 3.2866 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 162/3560 Training loss: 3.1525 3.2860 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 163/3560 Training loss: 3.1499 3.2505 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 164/3560 Training loss: 3.1475 3.2823 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 165/3560 Training loss: 3.1450 3.4730 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 166/3560 Training loss: 3.1425 3.2595 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 167/3560 Training loss: 3.1401 3.3301 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 168/3560 Training loss: 3.1376 3.2872 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 169/3560 Training loss: 3.1353 3.2955 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 170/3560 Training loss: 3.1328 3.2975 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 171/3560 Training loss: 3.1303 3.2900 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 172/3560 Training loss: 3.1280 3.2543 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 173/3560 Training loss: 3.1258 3.2478 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 174/3560 Training loss: 3.1235 3.3999 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 175/3560 Training loss: 3.1210 3.3017 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 176/3560 Training loss: 3.1185 3.2992 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 177/3560 Training loss: 3.1160 3.2686 sec/batch
Epoch 1/20  Iteration 178/3560 Training loss: 3.1132 3.2478 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 179/3560 Training loss: 2.6967 3.4045 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 180/3560 Training loss: 2.6524 3.2495 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 181/3560 Training loss: 2.6371 3.6040 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 182/3560 Training loss: 2.6313 3.6908 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 183/3560 Training loss: 2.6266 3.7741 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 184/3560 Training loss: 2.6231 3.4017 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 185/3560 Training loss: 2.6206 3.6091 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 186/3560 Training loss: 2.6196 3.4149 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 187/3560 Training loss: 2.6174 3.3985 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 188/3560 Training loss: 2.6141 3.2865 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 189/3560 Training loss: 2.6095 3.3321 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 190/3560 Training loss: 2.6079 3.2957 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 191/3560 Training loss: 2.6049 3.2967 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 192/3560 Training loss: 2.6043 3.4479 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 193/3560 Training loss: 2.6011 3.2671 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 194/3560 Training loss: 2.5988 3.4634 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 195/3560 Training loss: 2.5963 3.2785 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 196/3560 Training loss: 2.5960 3.2998 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 197/3560 Training loss: 2.5939 3.2480 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 198/3560 Training loss: 2.5902 3.3068 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 199/3560 Training loss: 2.5874 3.3064 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 200/3560 Training loss: 2.5868 3.2555 sec/batch
Validation loss: 2.45184 Saving checkpoint!
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 201/3560 Training loss: 2.5847 2.9235 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 202/3560 Training loss: 2.5818 2.9995 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 203/3560 Training loss: 2.5791 3.1201 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 204/3560 Training loss: 2.5771 3.2475 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 205/3560 Training loss: 2.5746 3.1626 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 206/3560 Training loss: 2.5719 3.1963 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 207/3560 Training loss: 2.5700 3.1583 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 208/3560 Training loss: 2.5677 3.2221 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 209/3560 Training loss: 2.5662 3.2864 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 210/3560 Training loss: 2.5639 3.1944 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 211/3560 Training loss: 2.5612 3.2436 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 212/3560 Training loss: 2.5595 3.2160 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 213/3560 Training loss: 2.5573 3.3034 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 214/3560 Training loss: 2.5557 3.2762 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 215/3560 Training loss: 2.5535 3.2316 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 216/3560 Training loss: 2.5510 3.1904 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 217/3560 Training loss: 2.5486 3.2702 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 218/3560 Training loss: 2.5463 3.3667 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 219/3560 Training loss: 2.5441 4.1517 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 220/3560 Training loss: 2.5418 4.6749 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 221/3560 Training loss: 2.5395 5.4965 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 222/3560 Training loss: 2.5373 7.8256 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 223/3560 Training loss: 2.5351 3.6650 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 224/3560 Training loss: 2.5325 3.5078 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 225/3560 Training loss: 2.5309 3.7683 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 226/3560 Training loss: 2.5289 3.7207 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 227/3560 Training loss: 2.5270 3.5257 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 228/3560 Training loss: 2.5256 3.5338 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 229/3560 Training loss: 2.5235 3.7173 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 230/3560 Training loss: 2.5219 3.6993 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 231/3560 Training loss: 2.5200 3.7550 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 232/3560 Training loss: 2.5181 4.0213 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 233/3560 Training loss: 2.5161 3.6660 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 234/3560 Training loss: 2.5146 3.8646 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 235/3560 Training loss: 2.5129 3.6753 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 236/3560 Training loss: 2.5111 3.6534 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 237/3560 Training loss: 2.5094 3.7716 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 238/3560 Training loss: 2.5079 4.1689 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 239/3560 Training loss: 2.5062 4.0215 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 240/3560 Training loss: 2.5047 3.7538 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 241/3560 Training loss: 2.5033 4.1904 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 242/3560 Training loss: 2.5016 4.5269 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 243/3560 Training loss: 2.4999 3.9258 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 244/3560 Training loss: 2.4986 4.0550 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 245/3560 Training loss: 2.4969 3.6947 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 246/3560 Training loss: 2.4950 3.6659 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 247/3560 Training loss: 2.4931 3.6466 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 248/3560 Training loss: 2.4917 3.5664 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 249/3560 Training loss: 2.4904 3.5674 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 250/3560 Training loss: 2.4890 3.9138 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 251/3560 Training loss: 2.4874 3.5385 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 252/3560 Training loss: 2.4857 3.6033 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 253/3560 Training loss: 2.4841 3.6798 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 254/3560 Training loss: 2.4832 3.6224 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 255/3560 Training loss: 2.4817 3.4921 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 256/3560 Training loss: 2.4803 3.6121 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 257/3560 Training loss: 2.4788 3.7026 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 258/3560 Training loss: 2.4773 3.6142 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 259/3560 Training loss: 2.4757 3.5525 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 260/3560 Training loss: 2.4744 3.6513 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 261/3560 Training loss: 2.4729 3.4375 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 262/3560 Training loss: 2.4712 3.4963 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 263/3560 Training loss: 2.4694 3.4685 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 264/3560 Training loss: 2.4677 3.5628 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 265/3560 Training loss: 2.4663 3.4849 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 266/3560 Training loss: 2.4648 3.4936 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 267/3560 Training loss: 2.4633 3.7143 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 268/3560 Training loss: 2.4621 3.4759 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 269/3560 Training loss: 2.4606 3.4658 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 270/3560 Training loss: 2.4593 3.5042 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 271/3560 Training loss: 2.4577 3.5448 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 272/3560 Training loss: 2.4562 3.5288 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 273/3560 Training loss: 2.4546 3.5178 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 274/3560 Training loss: 2.4530 3.5031 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 275/3560 Training loss: 2.4516 3.5702 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 276/3560 Training loss: 2.4502 3.5981 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 277/3560 Training loss: 2.4486 3.5880 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 278/3560 Training loss: 2.4471 3.5751 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 279/3560 Training loss: 2.4459 3.5375 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 280/3560 Training loss: 2.4446 3.4625 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 281/3560 Training loss: 2.4429 3.5610 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 282/3560 Training loss: 2.4415 3.4839 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 283/3560 Training loss: 2.4399 3.6444 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 284/3560 Training loss: 2.4386 3.7748 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 285/3560 Training loss: 2.4372 3.6727 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 286/3560 Training loss: 2.4362 3.4921 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 287/3560 Training loss: 2.4350 3.5367 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 288/3560 Training loss: 2.4335 3.5017 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 289/3560 Training loss: 2.4323 3.4742 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 290/3560 Training loss: 2.4312 3.5584 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 291/3560 Training loss: 2.4297 3.4782 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 292/3560 Training loss: 2.4283 3.6383 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 293/3560 Training loss: 2.4270 3.6520 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 294/3560 Training loss: 2.4254 3.5919 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 295/3560 Training loss: 2.4242 3.5306 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 296/3560 Training loss: 2.4230 3.5344 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 297/3560 Training loss: 2.4219 3.5983 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 298/3560 Training loss: 2.4207 3.7333 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 299/3560 Training loss: 2.4197 3.5214 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 300/3560 Training loss: 2.4184 3.4760 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 301/3560 Training loss: 2.4170 3.6052 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 302/3560 Training loss: 2.4160 3.5571 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 303/3560 Training loss: 2.4148 3.4767 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 304/3560 Training loss: 2.4134 3.3683 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 305/3560 Training loss: 2.4123 3.5128 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 306/3560 Training loss: 2.4112 3.6625 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 307/3560 Training loss: 2.4101 3.7991 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 308/3560 Training loss: 2.4090 3.6596 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 309/3560 Training loss: 2.4077 3.8375 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 310/3560 Training loss: 2.4063 3.6952 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 311/3560 Training loss: 2.4052 3.6199 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 312/3560 Training loss: 2.4042 3.4596 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 313/3560 Training loss: 2.4030 3.4610 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 314/3560 Training loss: 2.4019 3.7531 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 315/3560 Training loss: 2.4007 3.6191 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 316/3560 Training loss: 2.3995 3.7373 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 317/3560 Training loss: 2.3986 3.5963 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 318/3560 Training loss: 2.3974 3.4830 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 319/3560 Training loss: 2.3964 3.5146 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 320/3560 Training loss: 2.3952 3.7255 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 321/3560 Training loss: 2.3940 3.6138 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 322/3560 Training loss: 2.3928 3.6208 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 323/3560 Training loss: 2.3916 3.6851 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 324/3560 Training loss: 2.3907 3.4978 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 325/3560 Training loss: 2.3896 3.5152 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 326/3560 Training loss: 2.3887 3.6583 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 327/3560 Training loss: 2.3875 3.7458 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 328/3560 Training loss: 2.3863 3.7272 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 329/3560 Training loss: 2.3853 3.8111 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 330/3560 Training loss: 2.3846 3.6066 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 331/3560 Training loss: 2.3836 3.4464 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 332/3560 Training loss: 2.3826 3.4515 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 333/3560 Training loss: 2.3814 3.4929 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 334/3560 Training loss: 2.3804 3.5232 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 335/3560 Training loss: 2.3793 3.5260 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 336/3560 Training loss: 2.3782 3.4712 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 337/3560 Training loss: 2.3770 3.4710 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 338/3560 Training loss: 2.3761 3.4999 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 339/3560 Training loss: 2.3751 3.4674 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 340/3560 Training loss: 2.3740 3.5951 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 341/3560 Training loss: 2.3729 3.4632 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 342/3560 Training loss: 2.3719 3.4504 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 343/3560 Training loss: 2.3709 3.5946 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 344/3560 Training loss: 2.3698 3.5578 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 345/3560 Training loss: 2.3688 3.4090 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 346/3560 Training loss: 2.3679 3.5004 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 347/3560 Training loss: 2.3669 3.4928 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 348/3560 Training loss: 2.3658 3.4372 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 349/3560 Training loss: 2.3647 3.5193 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 350/3560 Training loss: 2.3636 3.4566 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 351/3560 Training loss: 2.3627 3.8176 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 352/3560 Training loss: 2.3618 3.4958 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 353/3560 Training loss: 2.3609 3.3985 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 354/3560 Training loss: 2.3598 3.4438 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 355/3560 Training loss: 2.3587 3.4242 sec/batch
Epoch 2/20  Iteration 356/3560 Training loss: 2.3577 3.3533 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 357/3560 Training loss: 2.2437 3.5711 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 358/3560 Training loss: 2.1931 3.5141 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 359/3560 Training loss: 2.1772 3.4167 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 360/3560 Training loss: 2.1698 3.6147 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 361/3560 Training loss: 2.1682 3.4680 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 362/3560 Training loss: 2.1630 3.5372 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 363/3560 Training loss: 2.1634 3.3590 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 364/3560 Training loss: 2.1630 3.4985 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 365/3560 Training loss: 2.1654 3.4886 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 366/3560 Training loss: 2.1643 3.4991 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 367/3560 Training loss: 2.1616 3.4421 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 368/3560 Training loss: 2.1595 3.4510 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 369/3560 Training loss: 2.1586 3.5853 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 370/3560 Training loss: 2.1602 3.3820 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 371/3560 Training loss: 2.1596 3.4125 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 372/3560 Training loss: 2.1580 3.4557 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 373/3560 Training loss: 2.1569 3.4660 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 374/3560 Training loss: 2.1589 3.3930 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 375/3560 Training loss: 2.1586 3.5050 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 376/3560 Training loss: 2.1573 3.4798 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 377/3560 Training loss: 2.1561 3.5703 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 378/3560 Training loss: 2.1570 3.5901 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 379/3560 Training loss: 2.1561 3.4656 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 380/3560 Training loss: 2.1545 3.4694 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 381/3560 Training loss: 2.1536 3.5110 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 382/3560 Training loss: 2.1523 3.3953 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 383/3560 Training loss: 2.1510 3.4979 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 384/3560 Training loss: 2.1505 3.4760 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 385/3560 Training loss: 2.1507 3.5566 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 386/3560 Training loss: 2.1500 3.5025 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 387/3560 Training loss: 2.1494 3.4164 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 388/3560 Training loss: 2.1483 3.4605 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 389/3560 Training loss: 2.1470 3.5625 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 390/3560 Training loss: 2.1472 3.5063 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 391/3560 Training loss: 2.1461 3.3897 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 392/3560 Training loss: 2.1453 3.5159 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 393/3560 Training loss: 2.1445 3.4524 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 394/3560 Training loss: 2.1427 3.4332 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 395/3560 Training loss: 2.1412 3.5364 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 396/3560 Training loss: 2.1396 3.5350 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 397/3560 Training loss: 2.1387 3.4916 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 398/3560 Training loss: 2.1378 3.4178 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 399/3560 Training loss: 2.1366 3.5025 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 400/3560 Training loss: 2.1353 3.6073 sec/batch
Validation loss: 2.00476 Saving checkpoint!
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 401/3560 Training loss: 2.1352 3.2739 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 402/3560 Training loss: 2.1332 3.2289 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 403/3560 Training loss: 2.1326 3.3329 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 404/3560 Training loss: 2.1313 3.4337 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 405/3560 Training loss: 2.1307 3.2948 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 406/3560 Training loss: 2.1306 3.3000 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 407/3560 Training loss: 2.1293 3.3923 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 408/3560 Training loss: 2.1292 3.6400 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 409/3560 Training loss: 2.1281 3.6734 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 410/3560 Training loss: 2.1273 3.6499 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 411/3560 Training loss: 2.1263 3.5331 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 412/3560 Training loss: 2.1257 3.3907 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 413/3560 Training loss: 2.1251 3.3519 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 414/3560 Training loss: 2.1243 3.4130 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 415/3560 Training loss: 2.1233 3.4009 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 416/3560 Training loss: 2.1231 3.5033 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 417/3560 Training loss: 2.1224 3.4227 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 418/3560 Training loss: 2.1223 3.4004 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 419/3560 Training loss: 2.1219 3.4352 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 420/3560 Training loss: 2.1214 3.5275 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 421/3560 Training loss: 2.1206 3.3541 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 422/3560 Training loss: 2.1203 3.4383 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 423/3560 Training loss: 2.1196 3.3642 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 424/3560 Training loss: 2.1186 3.4478 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 425/3560 Training loss: 2.1177 3.4796 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 426/3560 Training loss: 2.1170 3.5107 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 427/3560 Training loss: 2.1169 3.3408 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 428/3560 Training loss: 2.1162 3.5679 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 429/3560 Training loss: 2.1157 3.4614 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 430/3560 Training loss: 2.1147 3.4281 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 431/3560 Training loss: 2.1140 3.4657 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 432/3560 Training loss: 2.1137 3.4233 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 433/3560 Training loss: 2.1129 3.4102 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 434/3560 Training loss: 2.1124 3.4704 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 435/3560 Training loss: 2.1114 3.3869 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 436/3560 Training loss: 2.1104 3.4189 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 437/3560 Training loss: 2.1093 3.4893 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 438/3560 Training loss: 2.1087 3.4852 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 439/3560 Training loss: 2.1076 3.3463 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 440/3560 Training loss: 2.1068 3.4419 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 441/3560 Training loss: 2.1057 3.3745 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 442/3560 Training loss: 2.1047 3.4556 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 443/3560 Training loss: 2.1039 3.5676 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 444/3560 Training loss: 2.1029 3.6193 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 445/3560 Training loss: 2.1019 3.5128 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 446/3560 Training loss: 2.1013 3.4297 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 447/3560 Training loss: 2.1004 3.4581 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 448/3560 Training loss: 2.0997 3.3935 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 449/3560 Training loss: 2.0985 3.4951 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 450/3560 Training loss: 2.0975 3.4030 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 451/3560 Training loss: 2.0965 3.4369 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 452/3560 Training loss: 2.0956 3.4439 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 453/3560 Training loss: 2.0948 3.4653 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 454/3560 Training loss: 2.0939 3.4878 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 455/3560 Training loss: 2.0929 3.5240 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 456/3560 Training loss: 2.0918 3.4555 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 457/3560 Training loss: 2.0911 3.3506 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 458/3560 Training loss: 2.0905 3.5004 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 459/3560 Training loss: 2.0896 3.4579 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 460/3560 Training loss: 2.0887 3.4276 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 461/3560 Training loss: 2.0878 3.4139 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 462/3560 Training loss: 2.0872 3.4099 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 463/3560 Training loss: 2.0865 3.5711 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 464/3560 Training loss: 2.0860 3.5083 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 465/3560 Training loss: 2.0854 3.3925 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 466/3560 Training loss: 2.0848 3.4608 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 467/3560 Training loss: 2.0841 3.4524 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 468/3560 Training loss: 2.0835 3.4335 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 469/3560 Training loss: 2.0828 3.4976 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 470/3560 Training loss: 2.0820 3.4470 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 471/3560 Training loss: 2.0812 3.5006 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 472/3560 Training loss: 2.0803 3.5864 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 473/3560 Training loss: 2.0796 3.4303 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 474/3560 Training loss: 2.0789 3.4474 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 475/3560 Training loss: 2.0783 3.4229 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 476/3560 Training loss: 2.0776 3.6071 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 477/3560 Training loss: 2.0771 3.3828 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 478/3560 Training loss: 2.0763 3.4899 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 479/3560 Training loss: 2.0755 3.4805 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 480/3560 Training loss: 2.0750 3.4524 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 481/3560 Training loss: 2.0743 3.5210 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 482/3560 Training loss: 2.0734 3.4591 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 483/3560 Training loss: 2.0729 3.3120 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 484/3560 Training loss: 2.0724 3.4329 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 485/3560 Training loss: 2.0717 3.4480 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 486/3560 Training loss: 2.0711 3.4566 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 487/3560 Training loss: 2.0703 3.3776 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 488/3560 Training loss: 2.0694 3.3883 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 489/3560 Training loss: 2.0689 3.4468 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 490/3560 Training loss: 2.0683 3.5437 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 491/3560 Training loss: 2.0676 3.3667 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 492/3560 Training loss: 2.0671 3.3821 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 493/3560 Training loss: 2.0666 3.3966 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 494/3560 Training loss: 2.0660 3.4381 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 495/3560 Training loss: 2.0657 3.4313 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 496/3560 Training loss: 2.0650 3.4395 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 497/3560 Training loss: 2.0645 3.3918 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 498/3560 Training loss: 2.0640 3.5077 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 499/3560 Training loss: 2.0635 3.4484 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 500/3560 Training loss: 2.0631 3.3679 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 501/3560 Training loss: 2.0625 3.3585 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 502/3560 Training loss: 2.0621 3.3873 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 503/3560 Training loss: 2.0617 3.3605 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 504/3560 Training loss: 2.0614 3.4441 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 505/3560 Training loss: 2.0609 3.4628 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 506/3560 Training loss: 2.0603 3.3874 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 507/3560 Training loss: 2.0597 3.7432 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 508/3560 Training loss: 2.0595 3.4050 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 509/3560 Training loss: 2.0590 3.4123 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 510/3560 Training loss: 2.0586 3.4366 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 511/3560 Training loss: 2.0581 3.3932 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 512/3560 Training loss: 2.0575 3.4530 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 513/3560 Training loss: 2.0570 3.5071 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 514/3560 Training loss: 2.0564 3.6016 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 515/3560 Training loss: 2.0557 3.3994 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 516/3560 Training loss: 2.0553 3.5066 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 517/3560 Training loss: 2.0549 3.4193 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 518/3560 Training loss: 2.0543 3.3902 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 519/3560 Training loss: 2.0538 3.4986 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 520/3560 Training loss: 2.0533 3.4189 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 521/3560 Training loss: 2.0527 3.4251 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 522/3560 Training loss: 2.0521 3.4720 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 523/3560 Training loss: 2.0516 3.4143 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 524/3560 Training loss: 2.0514 3.4661 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 525/3560 Training loss: 2.0508 3.8410 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 526/3560 Training loss: 2.0503 4.0102 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 527/3560 Training loss: 2.0496 4.1638 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 528/3560 Training loss: 2.0490 3.6846 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 529/3560 Training loss: 2.0487 3.7276 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 530/3560 Training loss: 2.0481 3.6248 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 531/3560 Training loss: 2.0477 3.5779 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 532/3560 Training loss: 2.0471 3.5898 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 533/3560 Training loss: 2.0464 3.6987 sec/batch
Epoch 3/20  Iteration 534/3560 Training loss: 2.0459 3.5303 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 535/3560 Training loss: 2.0155 3.5663 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 536/3560 Training loss: 1.9707 3.5746 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 537/3560 Training loss: 1.9576 3.6434 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 538/3560 Training loss: 1.9490 3.7762 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 539/3560 Training loss: 1.9479 3.5693 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 540/3560 Training loss: 1.9382 3.5781 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 541/3560 Training loss: 1.9388 3.6959 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 542/3560 Training loss: 1.9383 3.6016 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 543/3560 Training loss: 1.9417 3.5915 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 544/3560 Training loss: 1.9407 3.5681 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 545/3560 Training loss: 1.9367 3.5760 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 546/3560 Training loss: 1.9347 3.5134 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 547/3560 Training loss: 1.9345 3.6770 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 548/3560 Training loss: 1.9369 3.5577 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 549/3560 Training loss: 1.9358 3.6452 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 550/3560 Training loss: 1.9341 3.5558 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 551/3560 Training loss: 1.9331 3.5311 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 552/3560 Training loss: 1.9348 3.5512 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 553/3560 Training loss: 1.9343 3.5115 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 554/3560 Training loss: 1.9342 3.5989 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 555/3560 Training loss: 1.9339 3.4407 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 556/3560 Training loss: 1.9347 3.5235 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 557/3560 Training loss: 1.9336 3.5759 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 558/3560 Training loss: 1.9329 3.7992 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 559/3560 Training loss: 1.9325 3.5326 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 560/3560 Training loss: 1.9310 3.4765 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 561/3560 Training loss: 1.9299 3.9906 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 562/3560 Training loss: 1.9298 3.6825 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 563/3560 Training loss: 1.9306 3.5756 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 564/3560 Training loss: 1.9306 3.6341 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 565/3560 Training loss: 1.9301 3.4700 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 566/3560 Training loss: 1.9287 3.7177 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 567/3560 Training loss: 1.9286 3.5582 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 568/3560 Training loss: 1.9289 3.6231 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 569/3560 Training loss: 1.9282 3.5321 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 570/3560 Training loss: 1.9273 3.9020 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 571/3560 Training loss: 1.9267 3.5353 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 572/3560 Training loss: 1.9253 3.5637 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 573/3560 Training loss: 1.9238 3.5921 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 574/3560 Training loss: 1.9226 3.6701 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 575/3560 Training loss: 1.9218 3.6913 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 576/3560 Training loss: 1.9215 3.5500 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 577/3560 Training loss: 1.9204 3.5900 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 578/3560 Training loss: 1.9192 3.5883 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 579/3560 Training loss: 1.9190 3.5486 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 580/3560 Training loss: 1.9175 3.7628 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 581/3560 Training loss: 1.9170 3.5706 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 582/3560 Training loss: 1.9157 3.5512 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 583/3560 Training loss: 1.9150 3.7670 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 584/3560 Training loss: 1.9152 3.5573 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 585/3560 Training loss: 1.9142 3.5730 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 586/3560 Training loss: 1.9146 3.5810 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 587/3560 Training loss: 1.9137 3.5223 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 588/3560 Training loss: 1.9132 3.6315 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 589/3560 Training loss: 1.9124 3.5497 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 590/3560 Training loss: 1.9119 3.5588 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 591/3560 Training loss: 1.9117 3.7510 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 592/3560 Training loss: 1.9111 3.6515 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 593/3560 Training loss: 1.9102 3.4837 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 594/3560 Training loss: 1.9105 3.6351 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 595/3560 Training loss: 1.9100 3.5601 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 596/3560 Training loss: 1.9102 3.5346 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 597/3560 Training loss: 1.9103 3.5422 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 598/3560 Training loss: 1.9100 3.5920 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 599/3560 Training loss: 1.9095 3.5940 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 600/3560 Training loss: 1.9096 3.7192 sec/batch
Validation loss: 1.77728 Saving checkpoint!
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 601/3560 Training loss: 1.9098 3.2232 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 602/3560 Training loss: 1.9091 3.3873 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 603/3560 Training loss: 1.9084 3.6261 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 604/3560 Training loss: 1.9078 3.4410 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 605/3560 Training loss: 1.9080 3.4504 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 606/3560 Training loss: 1.9076 3.5969 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 607/3560 Training loss: 1.9075 3.5180 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 608/3560 Training loss: 1.9069 3.5160 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 609/3560 Training loss: 1.9062 3.5251 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 610/3560 Training loss: 1.9061 3.4714 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 611/3560 Training loss: 1.9057 3.6069 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 612/3560 Training loss: 1.9054 3.5291 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 613/3560 Training loss: 1.9044 3.5462 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 614/3560 Training loss: 1.9040 3.7194 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 615/3560 Training loss: 1.9031 3.4590 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 616/3560 Training loss: 1.9029 3.5354 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 617/3560 Training loss: 1.9020 3.6022 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 618/3560 Training loss: 1.9015 3.5115 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 619/3560 Training loss: 1.9007 3.5566 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 620/3560 Training loss: 1.9000 3.5780 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 621/3560 Training loss: 1.8993 3.4886 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 622/3560 Training loss: 1.8987 3.5585 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 623/3560 Training loss: 1.8979 3.6548 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 624/3560 Training loss: 1.8977 3.5601 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 625/3560 Training loss: 1.8971 3.5361 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 626/3560 Training loss: 1.8965 3.5743 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 627/3560 Training loss: 1.8956 3.5134 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 628/3560 Training loss: 1.8949 3.5093 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 629/3560 Training loss: 1.8941 3.5626 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 630/3560 Training loss: 1.8937 3.5798 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 631/3560 Training loss: 1.8931 3.6149 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 632/3560 Training loss: 1.8925 3.5110 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 633/3560 Training loss: 1.8916 3.5241 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 634/3560 Training loss: 1.8908 3.7574 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 635/3560 Training loss: 1.8903 3.5520 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 636/3560 Training loss: 1.8898 3.6130 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 637/3560 Training loss: 1.8892 3.5543 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 638/3560 Training loss: 1.8887 3.5672 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 639/3560 Training loss: 1.8880 3.6402 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 640/3560 Training loss: 1.8875 3.6008 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 641/3560 Training loss: 1.8871 3.5615 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 642/3560 Training loss: 1.8866 3.5238 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 643/3560 Training loss: 1.8863 3.6009 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 644/3560 Training loss: 1.8860 3.5622 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 645/3560 Training loss: 1.8855 3.5353 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 646/3560 Training loss: 1.8849 3.5415 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 647/3560 Training loss: 1.8843 4.1589 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 648/3560 Training loss: 1.8838 4.2808 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 649/3560 Training loss: 1.8831 3.5366 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 650/3560 Training loss: 1.8824 3.9432 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 651/3560 Training loss: 1.8820 4.0091 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 652/3560 Training loss: 1.8816 3.7540 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 653/3560 Training loss: 1.8811 3.8093 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 654/3560 Training loss: 1.8806 3.9266 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 655/3560 Training loss: 1.8802 3.7548 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 656/3560 Training loss: 1.8795 3.8668 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 657/3560 Training loss: 1.8789 3.7995 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 658/3560 Training loss: 1.8787 3.8348 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 659/3560 Training loss: 1.8782 3.7959 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 660/3560 Training loss: 1.8774 3.7619 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 661/3560 Training loss: 1.8771 3.7825 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 662/3560 Training loss: 1.8768 3.8489 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 663/3560 Training loss: 1.8764 3.8422 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 664/3560 Training loss: 1.8759 3.8589 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 665/3560 Training loss: 1.8752 3.7812 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 666/3560 Training loss: 1.8746 3.8125 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 667/3560 Training loss: 1.8742 3.7680 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 668/3560 Training loss: 1.8739 4.0675 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 669/3560 Training loss: 1.8735 3.8689 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 670/3560 Training loss: 1.8732 3.7972 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 671/3560 Training loss: 1.8729 3.9571 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 672/3560 Training loss: 1.8726 3.9359 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 673/3560 Training loss: 1.8723 3.7257 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 674/3560 Training loss: 1.8719 3.7962 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 675/3560 Training loss: 1.8717 3.7956 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 676/3560 Training loss: 1.8712 3.8008 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 677/3560 Training loss: 1.8708 3.8246 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 678/3560 Training loss: 1.8705 3.8842 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 679/3560 Training loss: 1.8700 3.9010 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 680/3560 Training loss: 1.8698 3.8250 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 681/3560 Training loss: 1.8695 3.8324 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 682/3560 Training loss: 1.8693 3.8120 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 683/3560 Training loss: 1.8690 3.8420 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 684/3560 Training loss: 1.8685 3.8356 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 685/3560 Training loss: 1.8679 3.8375 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 686/3560 Training loss: 1.8677 3.7908 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 687/3560 Training loss: 1.8674 3.9133 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 688/3560 Training loss: 1.8671 3.5274 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 689/3560 Training loss: 1.8668 3.5762 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 690/3560 Training loss: 1.8663 3.6319 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 691/3560 Training loss: 1.8661 3.9293 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 692/3560 Training loss: 1.8656 4.2168 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 693/3560 Training loss: 1.8651 3.4597 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 694/3560 Training loss: 1.8649 3.8203 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 695/3560 Training loss: 1.8647 4.1683 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 696/3560 Training loss: 1.8644 3.7559 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 697/3560 Training loss: 1.8641 3.6106 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 698/3560 Training loss: 1.8637 3.4835 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 699/3560 Training loss: 1.8633 3.5997 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 700/3560 Training loss: 1.8629 3.9833 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 701/3560 Training loss: 1.8627 3.4670 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 702/3560 Training loss: 1.8627 3.4414 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 703/3560 Training loss: 1.8622 3.5998 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 704/3560 Training loss: 1.8619 3.6977 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 705/3560 Training loss: 1.8614 3.7461 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 706/3560 Training loss: 1.8609 3.7063 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 707/3560 Training loss: 1.8607 3.5778 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 708/3560 Training loss: 1.8604 3.3909 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 709/3560 Training loss: 1.8601 3.6354 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 710/3560 Training loss: 1.8597 3.6231 sec/batch
Epoch 4/20  Iteration 711/3560 Training loss: 1.8592 3.5256 sec/batch
KeyboardInterrupt                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-780c3a10820d> in <module>()
     33                     model.initial_state: new_state}
     34             batch_loss, new_state, _ =[model.cost, model.final_state, model.optimizer], 
---> 35                                                  feed_dict=feed)
     36             loss += batch_loss
     37             end = time.time()

/Users/swapna/anaconda/envs/python3_5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ in run(self, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    765     try:
    766       result = self._run(None, fetches, feed_dict, options_ptr,
--> 767                          run_metadata_ptr)
    768       if run_metadata:
    769         proto_data = tf_session.TF_GetBuffer(run_metadata_ptr)

/Users/swapna/anaconda/envs/python3_5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ in _run(self, handle, fetches, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
    963     if final_fetches or final_targets:
    964       results = self._do_run(handle, final_targets, final_fetches,
--> 965                              feed_dict_string, options, run_metadata)
    966     else:
    967       results = []

/Users/swapna/anaconda/envs/python3_5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ in _do_run(self, handle, target_list, fetch_list, feed_dict, options, run_metadata)
   1013     if handle is None:
   1014       return self._do_call(_run_fn, self._session, feed_dict, fetch_list,
-> 1015                            target_list, options, run_metadata)
   1016     else:
   1017       return self._do_call(_prun_fn, self._session, handle, feed_dict,

/Users/swapna/anaconda/envs/python3_5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ in _do_call(self, fn, *args)
   1020   def _do_call(self, fn, *args):
   1021     try:
-> 1022       return fn(*args)
   1023     except errors.OpError as e:
   1024       message = compat.as_text(e.message)

/Users/swapna/anaconda/envs/python3_5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tensorflow/python/client/ in _run_fn(session, feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list, options, run_metadata)
   1002         return tf_session.TF_Run(session, options,
   1003                                  feed_dict, fetch_list, target_list,
-> 1004                                  status, run_metadata)
   1006     def _prun_fn(session, handle, feed_dict, fetch_list):


Saved checkpoints

Read up on saving and loading checkpoints here:

In [66]:

model_checkpoint_path: "checkpoints/i600_l512_v1.777.ckpt"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "checkpoints/i200_l512_v2.452.ckpt"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "checkpoints/i400_l512_v2.005.ckpt"
all_model_checkpoint_paths: "checkpoints/i600_l512_v1.777.ckpt"


Now that the network is trained, we'll can use it to generate new text. The idea is that we pass in a character, then the network will predict the next character. We can use the new one, to predict the next one. And we keep doing this to generate all new text. I also included some functionality to prime the network with some text by passing in a string and building up a state from that.

The network gives us predictions for each character. To reduce noise and make things a little less random, I'm going to only choose a new character from the top N most likely characters.

In [67]:
def pick_top_n(preds, vocab_size, top_n=5):
    p = np.squeeze(preds)
    p[np.argsort(p)[:-top_n]] = 0
    p = p / np.sum(p)
    c = np.random.choice(vocab_size, 1, p=p)[0]
    return c

In [68]:
def sample(checkpoint, n_samples, lstm_size, vocab_size, prime="The "):
    samples = [c for c in prime]
    model = build_rnn(vocab_size, lstm_size=lstm_size, sampling=True)
    saver = tf.train.Saver()
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        saver.restore(sess, checkpoint)
        new_state =
        for c in prime:
            x = np.zeros((1, 1))
            x[0,0] = vocab_to_int[c]
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.keep_prob: 1.,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            preds, new_state =[model.preds, model.final_state], 

        c = pick_top_n(preds, len(vocab))

        for i in range(n_samples):
            x[0,0] = c
            feed = {model.inputs: x,
                    model.keep_prob: 1.,
                    model.initial_state: new_state}
            preds, new_state =[model.preds, model.final_state], 

            c = pick_top_n(preds, len(vocab))
    return ''.join(samples)

Here, pass in the path to a checkpoint and sample from the network.

In [72]:
checkpoint = "checkpoints/i600_l512_v1.777.ckpt"
samp = sample(checkpoint, 2000, lstm_size, len(vocab), prime="Far")

[<tf.Tensor 'Squeeze:0' shape=(1, 83) dtype=float32>]
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In [ ]: